Thank you for your generosity.

Online Giving.

Give & Serve.

Thank you for your support!

Thanks for stopping by our website! We look forward to the opportunity to meet you in person. Thank you for joining other financial champions and partners to support God's work through Grace Harbor.  If you'd like to give your gifts or talents in service to the church or the community, we will be updating service opportunities on this page iduring 2024.  Join us as we give and serve others with the love of Christ!


If you have any questions, no problem! Check out some of the information below for help in how to give and serve. Also feel free to head over to our contact us page to reach out to us there.

Give Digitally

 You can give tithes and offerings through various electronic and non-electronic method listed below to support the churches ministry, missions, special projects, books or others resources.  Thanks for giving!! 

Give via PayPal

 Paypal allows you to use PalPal Credit, a bank account, debit or credit cards and rewards balance to make your contribution.  Click below to be directed to the Grace Harbor PayPal website.  Follow the prompts to make your contribution. 

Give with Cash App

The Cash App is like writing a check to support your church!  It is easy, safe and immediate. Go to or download the mobile app and use the following steps to make a contribution to Grace Harbor:

1)  Open the Cash App and sign in or register

2)  Enter the amount you would like to give

3)  Tap Pay

4)  enter the $cashtag To: $GraceHarbor811

5)  identify contribution For: (ie. General fund,

      missions, special project, youth, etc.)

6) Tap Pay

Other ways to give.

You are welcome to give in the folllowing ways to support the ministries of Grace Harbor:


Give cash or check during in-person worship at the time of offering.


Send a check to the church office - 2131 Alamo Ave., Kalamazoo, MI 49006.


Check with your bank to setup Electronic Funds Transfer or automatic payments.

Ways To Serve Our Community and Our Church.

Westwood Free Store

The Westwood Free Store that is housed on the lower level at Community Presbyterian Church (811 Gorham Ln., Kalamazoo)  is a partnership with the Westwood Food Bank to provide clothing, housing goods and other needed resources to food bank clients who come on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays each month.   Grace Harbor provides a breakfast for clients every 3rd Saturday of the month.


-   To get involved: sign up in the church lobby or email the office

    ( to volunteer in the free store or to serve in

    this breakfast.

-   To donate items: workers will receive clothing, household and

    childrens items at the Free Store on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of

    each month from 9:30am - 1:00pm or any Wednesday from 9am -

    noon. Workers will also accept personal care products such as toilet

    paper, paper towels, laundry detergent, Kleenex, shampoo, body

    wash, deodorant, lotion, diapers, etc. at the same times. 

-  To donate funds: you can do so via paypal above.  Identify "Free

    Store Breakfast."

Westwood Free Store

There are so many ways to use your gifts and talents at Grace Harbor.  Each ministry needs workers to share the love of Jesus, to teach a relevant faith for the 21st Century, to reach out in love and to maintain our ministry campus through renovations. Contact one of our staff members to get involved!  Offering your gifts and talents to the church and through the church can make a giant difference!